The central issue will be housing as key tool for responding to the current climate and social crisis, exacerbated by an unprecedented pandemic that worsened the region’s housing deficit.
According to data from the Inter-American Development Bank, in Latin America and the Caribbean, 45% of the population does not have an adequate place to live. This means people live in dwellings built of precarious materials, with little resilience to climate change, lacking basic services, many with dirt floors and on land that doesn’t belong to them.

The current housing crisis especially affects the most vulnerable segments of the population (women, migrants, ethnic groups, young people, the elderly and others) who day after day experience. The effects on health, on security and on their lives, from not having a safe place to call home. In addition, more than 180 million people in the region have been affected by around 1,450 disasters occurring from 2000 to 2021. Altogether, it is a situation that prevents these groups from enjoying the right to housing and the city.
From Habitat for Humanity and the UHPH platform, we lift our voice and convene the 5th Housing Forum because we know addressing this problem is urgent. We need all players (national and local governments, private sector, academia, civil society, community leaders and banking), pooling knowledge and facilitating comprehensive, innovative and scaled solutions. All with the vision of reversing a vicious circle through inclusive adaptation and conscious reduction of the sector’s effects on climate change.
Remember that the Forum is free of charge, with limited space and requires prior registration.