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WEBINAR: Agenda regional: tendencias y acciones desde el 5° Foro de Vivienda y Hábitat en Latinoamérica y el Caribe



Regional Agenda: Trends and Actions from the 5th Latin America and the Caribbean Housing and Habitat Forum



The 5th Latin America and the Caribbean Housing and Habitat Forum took place from July 31 to August 2 of 2023 in Bogotá, Colombia, under the central theme: "Responding to the Climate and Social Housing Crisis in LAC." The Forum reaffirmed that the housing sector faces a profound challenge and emergency driven by climate change, with significant consequences that demand immediate and collaborative action around a shared agenda.

The purpose of this webinar was to launch the Final Report of the 5th LAC Housing and Habitat Forum, following up on a selection of initiatives and key stakeholders who participated in the event. The session aimed to share perspectives and outline next steps to address climate challenges, social deficits, and housing shortages in the region, leveraging the UHPH platform as a collaborative space for action.