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What is UHPH?

The Urban Housing Practitioners Hub (UHPH) is a multi-actor coalition that generates incidence in multiple actors from the region, promoting meeting, the exchange of good practices, innovative action and knowledge management in housing and habitat, acting as a Public Good in Latin America and the Caribbean


Considering habitat and housing as priority dimensions of human well-being and development, the UHPH seeks to promote Latin America and the Caribbean's progress in the construction of inclusive, equitable, sustainable, resilient, and prosperous cities, contributing to the achievement of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.


We dream of a region in which a wide universe of actors working for housing and habitat exchange experiences, practices, and skills to move towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda decisively and articulately.

Coalition track record

UHPH was born in October 2015 during the Habitat III summit, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. Its formal constitution was created thanks to the support and financing of Cities Alliance and Habitat for Humanity, along with the articulation of various other regional actors, such as the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, academic networks such as RHIVA and REDEUS, private trade union organizations, such as UNIAPRAVI and various Ministries of Housing and Urbanism of the region, Brazil and Chile being some of its precursor partners.

Five years after its creation, the UHPH coalition and platform has managed to position itself as a true catalyst for housing and urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting the frequent exchange of knowledge and good practices among a series of key actors for the development of the region. In a relatively short time, the platform has produced meetings and exchanges between practitioners in various areas of housing and habitat development, ministers of state, multilateral organizations, social and urban rights defenders, study centers, private organizations, NGOs, foundations, international social organizations, and academic institutions, among others.


What does the UHPH do?

The platform's structure consists of three main lines of action

Connect actors, linking knowledge, practices and expertise of different practitioners to promote the transfer of knowledge relevant to the challenges of the region, both from the internal experience of the region and from other regions of the world.

To influence multiple actors in the region, seeking that, from the encounter and exchange of experiences, the agendas and practices of the different actors mutually influence each other.

To inspire and catalyze collective action by providing specific spaces for meeting and exchange between partners with potentially aligned interests.

Catalyze collective action towards the co-creation of solutions, ensuring that the synergies arising from the meeting between actors lead to action, whether in the field of research, projects, public policies or other, the UHPH will seek to lead the complementarity of its partners towards collective action.

Visibilize relevant gaps and deficits as well as good practices for the development of the region in the area of housing and habitat, which will allow prioritizing areas of action, strategically driving innovation towards priority gaps and promoting the replicability of successful practices, whether in research, project development, public policies or other relevant initiatives.

Facilitate the creation of strategic alliances between actors, once relevant linkages and synergies have been identified.

Collect, systematize and disseminate information, knowledge and best practices nurtured from the knowledge and experiences of the Platform's lines of action and also contributed by its strategic partners or various actors convened, through the platform and in an open manner to facilitate its use and understanding.

Disseminate and disseminate activities, courses and publications that partners make available to support the generation of collective knowledge.

Transfer knowledge through trainings offered in collaboration with the strategic partners of the UHPH.

Steering Committee

Will be the body that strategically directs the coalition, being a resolutive and frequent decision-making body that addresses strategic, operational, and financial decisions along with those actions of regional and global extension.
  • Habitat for Humanity

    Official Forum organizer. Habitat works to ensure that families have access to housing that allows them to gain the strength, stability and self-sufficiency required to build a better future.

  • ONU Habitat*

    Permanent guest of the Board. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme is the United Nations programme for human settlements and sustainable urban development.

*UN-Habitat's contribution to the UHPH Platform has been possible, among others, thanks to the support of the Spanish cooperation through the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.


Advisory Council

is a body that brings together several key strategic partners in the development of housing and habitat in the region. In the proposed transitional governance model, the current UHPH Advisory Council will undergo a process of ratification and amplification of its members, in addition to the redefinition of specific roles and tasks.