تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


  • Senior Advocacy Manager para América Latina y el Caribe de Hábitat para la Humanidad, es abogada costarricense, donde ejerció su profesión durante más de 25 años en su propio bufete. Licenciada en derecho con una especialidad en derecho  internacional, y derechos humanos, ha trabajado  los últimos 7 años como consultora externa para ONGs internacionales, y agencias de desarrollo como BID y COSUDE…
    النوع: Juror
  • Member of the Municipal Development Council COMUDE of the Municipality of Morales Izabal, Guatemala. Founding member of the Association of Women for Community Resilience MIRESCO in the department of Izabal. Former Community Mayor of Barrio San Pedrito in the Municipality of Morales Izabal.
    النوع: Juror
  • النوع: Page
  • النوع: Page
  • النوع: Member
  • National Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Mexico. During the last 17 years she has consolidated a solid professional experience in the field of low-income housing from different perspectives. She worked as a public official in the Federal Mortgage Society, collaborated as an independent consultant for several public and private entities, including the IDB on issues of assisted housing…
    النوع: Juror
  • Mayor of the Municipality of San José, Costa Rica. In the international arena, he has been Co-President and member of the World Council of the World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG); Co-President of the Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities (UCCI), being currently the Vice-President for the Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean Region of that organization and…
    النوع: Juror
  • National Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Bolivia. French agro-economist, she has been working for more than 20 years in Europe and Latin America. She is currently the director of Habitat for Humanity Bolivia, promoting a comprehensive institutional and programmatic approach to access to housing for vulnerable families in peri-urban areas of the country.
    النوع: Juror
  • Program Manager for Access to Water and Sustainable Cities at Fundación Avina. He has coordinated water and sanitation programs in Ecuador, Haiti, Mexico and the Peruvian Amazon, as well as sustainable cities programs focused on urban resilience, public space improvement and economic and social reactivation in Ecuador. He has several publications, among the most relevant: Guide for the Integrated…
    النوع: Juror
  • Undersecretary of Government of the Municipality of Alberti, Argentina. She was Director of Human Rights, Gender and Diversity Policies. She holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and is a Professor of Higher Education at the National Technological University (UTN).
    النوع: Juror